In this episode we are joined by author Michael Moreci to discuss legends and legacies in The Last Jedi. What importance do legends have in The Last Jedi? How does Luke's influence on Rey compare and contrast with Vader's influence on Kylo Ren? Can our heroes ever live up to what we have built in our minds? How do Star Wars legends influence fans? We also discuss Michael Moreci's new novel Black Star Renegades. We discuss these topics and much, much more. This may not go the way you think!
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In episode 58 we begin discussing the many themes of The Last Jedi and we start with failure. Did Luke learn from his past failures? If so, did it help Rey? Would Luke have benefited from more teaching experience before beginning his Jedi Academy? Also, was Luke's story arc from the original trilogy to the sequel trilogy logical and believable? Finally, how relatable was Luke in The Last Jedi? As usual, we begin the show with a comics update. We'd love you to join us as we delve deep into The Last Jedi. Don't resist. And your weapons, you will not need them.
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